Registration: ESDA2024

7th International Conference on

Energy Systems, Drives and Automations.


Conference Dates: 14th and 15th of December 2024.

Venue: Dumka Engineer College, Dumka, Jharkhand, India.

Organizer: Applied Computer Technology, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.


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Registration Details:

Steps of Registration:

Upload paper to cmt site of ESDA2024 Get confirmation of submission and Paper ID Receive Accept/Reject Notice after some days Deposit Registration Fees if accepted.

  • Conference organizers will send Accept/Reject notification through cmt3/Microsoft tool within 15days to 30days of time. This email will contain all details of Registration Fees. (If anyway you do not receive email from us, Please, contact to email: mentioning Paper ID and conference name.
  • Deposit Registration Fee as per mentioned within acceptance email.

    Amount of Registration Fees:

    (For India, China, Bangladesh, Nepal and Low-Income-Countries in Indian Currency)

    Faculty Members: ₹ 10000/-
    Ph.D students/SRF: ₹8500/-
    Other Students: ₹7500/-
    JRF, Technical staff:₹6500/-

    (SRF=Senior Research Fellow)
    (JRF=Junior Research Fellow)

    Industry delegates : ₹8500/-
    Listener/Spouse of any delegate:₹4000/- (for two days)
    Listener/Spouse of any delegate:₹2000/-(for one day)

    For Countries like: (America,Canada, Japan, Europe and High Income Groups)

    Any Foreign Faculty/Ph.D student: $300 USD (plus 10% Bank-charges).
    Foreign other Student: $250 USD (plus 10% Bank-charges)
    Spouse: $150 USD (plus 10% Bank-charges)

    USD= United State Dollar

    For special support of editing, English checking&corrections, technical revision etc. contact us. /

  • Bank Account for depositing registration fee:

    Account Name: Applied Computer Technology
    Account Number: 35532552072
    IFS Code: SBIN0001404
    Account Type: Current
    Address: 1, B.T.Road, Kolkata-700058, West Bengal, India.
  • After depositing registration fee,
    Fillup the Online Registration Form:
    Click Online Registration Form of ESDA2024

    Terms and conditions: Registration Fee is taken for organizing the conference, Lunch-Tiffin (if any), Registration Kits (if any), attending all sessions of Keynote Speech / Technical Talk / Paper Presentations etc. But, it should not be considered as direct Publication Fees. Registration Fee is non refundable. Submitting registration form means you agree this terms and conditions.

    Registration from outside India:
    Within the payment page of our company(Applied Computer Technology), link of PayPal payment is given. It is easy and safe payment system operated throughout the World.

    Pay Registration Fee through PayPal for Foreign Authors:

    List of Registered Authors:




    N.B. Certificate will be prepared by this name, please, check spelling of name, if any changes are required, send us an email to:

    Please, confirm your presentation as Physical/Online mode that we can prepare your presentation schedule.

    Notice: Presentation certificate will be issued to the name of paper presentator. if co-authors need extra certificates, they should pay extra Rs.200/- per certificate.

    ** indicates payment is incomplete.


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    Kolkata, West Bengal,India.
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